The Hong Kong International Piano Competition 2016, Joy of Music Festival, Chopin, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music The Hong Kong International Piano Competition 2016, Joy of Music Festival, Chopin, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music The Hong Kong International Piano Competition 2016, Joy of Music Festival, Chopin, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music
The Hong Kong International Piano Competition 2016, Joy of Music Festival, Chopin, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music The Hong Kong International Piano Competition 2016, Joy of Music Festival, Chopin, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music
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Professor Eleanor Wong studied at the Royal Academy of Music in London, England, on an Associated Board Scholarship .Besides winning numerous prizes and awards, Eleanor was one the few students graduated with both the Graduate Diploma (G.R.S.M), and the Recital Diploma as well as top honours: the Walter Macfarren Gold medal and Majorie Whyte Memorial Award for the most outstanding students. As a Boise Scholar, Eleanor studied in Paris with Vlado Perlemuter and later in New York Manhattan School of Music with Artur Balsam.

Winner of silver medal at the Viotti International Competition Italy, Professor Wong broadcasted on RTHK Radio 4 (Hong Kong), WNYC (New York), BBC (UK), and overseas services. She has also given recitals extensively in the United Kingdom (including the Wigmore Hall and Purcell Room in London), China, and the United States. Professor Wong is recognized as one of the foremost piano pedagogues with many of her pupils winning top prizes in international and local piano competitions. Being one of the most sought-after teachers, Professor Wong frequently hosted lectures and workshops on Piano Pedagogy and has given master-classes in China, England, Poland, Singapore, Taiwan, Seoul, Thailand, Uruguay, South Africa and USA. She is also a frequent juror for many international piano competitions and festivals.

Presently, Professor Wong is an Artist in Residence and Senior Lecturer at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. She is also a visiting professor at the Shenzhen School of Arts and Wuhan Music Conservatory, and is also an honorary professor of the Tianjin Music Conservatory. She is a Steinway Artist, Co-Director of the Hong Kong Summer Music, and the Chairperson of the Piano Teachers’ Association in Hong Kong.

In 2008, Professor Wong was elected one of 2007 “Outstanding Leaders” by Singtao Daily in Hong Kong for her contributions to the musical world. In 2013 Professor Wong was awarded “The Hong Kong Women of Excellence in the Six Arts” for her work in music by the Hon Kong Federation of Women. In 2014,Professor Wong was honored by the Hong Kong government with the Medal of Honour for her dedication and work in music. In 2018 Professor Wong was honored with a Life Time Achievement Award in music education by The 5th Hong Kong International Music Festival.


黃 懿 倫

黃懿倫獲英國皇家音樂學院聯合委員會獎學金前往英國倫敦深造。 于此期間,黃女士獲獎無數。 她是同時考獲畢業文憑、演奏文憑、及學院鋼琴學生最高的榮譽 ─ 麥法倫金牌的少數學生之一。 此外,她亦被選為倫敦四大音樂學院中最傑出的優異生,獲得偉烈特紀念獎,並在英國各地巡迴演出。 黃女士曾在義大利維奧國際鋼琴大賽獲得銀牌獎,亦獲得著名的有斯獎學金及班捷文• 達爾獎。 其後,她前往巴黎隨柯爾托和拉威爾的學生貝利慕特進修,之後再進入紐約曼克頓音樂學院隨波蘭鋼琴家波森深造,並考獲研究文憑。

黃女士經常到英美各地演出,亦常在香港舉行音樂會及與樂團合作。 自1986年,黃懿倫與姐姐組成鋼琴二重奏,經常在香港、美國及國內演出。近年黃教授積極從事音樂教學工作,並栽培了不少國際比賽得獎者。 她經常在各地講課;曾被邀請在中國、泰國、星加坡、烏拉圭、臺灣、英國、美國及波蘭 ─ 簫邦國際音樂節舉行大師班。 又經常被邀請在各國際鋼琴大賽擔任評委。黃教授現為香港演藝學院任駐院演出者及鍵盤系高級講師,並任深圳藝術學院客席教授、武漢音樂學院及天津音樂學院名譽教授。


黃教授現為香港鋼琴教師協會主席及施坦威鋼琴演出者。 與此同時,她亦擔任香港藝術發展局的藝術顧問、聖三一音樂學院香港區鋼琴顧問,以及香港達克羅士協會的顧問。 在2008年,黃教授更因其對香港音樂界的貢獻,被香港星島日報頒發為2007年傑出領袖。 2013年黃教授獲香港各界婦女聯合協進會頒発首屆「香港六藝卓越女性」獎。 2014年黃教授更獲香港特別行政區政府頒授榮譽勳章,表揚她在鋼琴教育及培育本地年輕鋼琴家方面的貢獻。 2018年在香港國際音樂節被頒予音樂教育終身成就獎。

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