The Hong Kong International Piano Competition 2016, Joy of Music Festival, Chopin, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music The Hong Kong International Piano Competition 2016, Joy of Music Festival, Chopin, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music The Hong Kong International Piano Competition 2016, Joy of Music Festival, Chopin, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music
The Hong Kong International Piano Competition 2016, Joy of Music Festival, Chopin, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music The Hong Kong International Piano Competition 2016, Joy of Music Festival, Chopin, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music
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Cyprien Katsaris, the French-Cypriot pianist and composer, was born in Marseilles in 1951.

A graduate of the Paris Conservatoire and he won the International Young Interpreters Rostrum-UNESCO (Bratislava 1977), the First Prize in the International Cziffra Competition (Versailles 1974) and was the only western-European prize-winner at the 1972 Queen Elisabeth of Belgium International Competition.

His major international career includes performances with the world’s greatest orchestras including the Berlin Philharmonic, Staatskapelle Dresden, Leipzig Gewandhaus , Cleveland Orchestra, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, the Lodnon Philharmonia, NHK Symphony Orchestra (Tokyo), Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra and the Beijing Symphony Orchestra among others. He has collaborated with conductors such as Leonard Bernstein, Kurt Masur, Myung Whun Chung, Sir Neville Marriner, Sir Simon Rattle, Antal Doráti, Mstislav Rostropovich, Charles Dutoit, Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Christoph von Dohnányi and Karl Münchinger

Cyprien has recorded extensively for Teldec winning such prizes as Grand Prix du Disque Frédéric Chopin, Warsaw 1985, Grand Prix du Disque Franz Liszt, Budapest 1984 and 1989, Record of the Year 1984, Germany, for the 9th Symphony of Beethoven/Liszt, and also for Sony Classical, EMI, Warner Classics, Deutsche Grammophon, BMG/RCA, Decca, Pavane, and now on his own label, PIANO 21.

In addition to the standard repertory, such as the complete Concertos by Mozart, recorded live and performed in Salzburg and Vienna with Yoon K. Lee and the Salzburger Kammerphilharmonie, he has revived long lost works such as the Liszt/Tchaikovsky’s Concerto in the Hungarian style which he has recorded with Eugene Ormandy and the Philadelphia Orchestra.

In 1992, the Japanese NHK TV produced with Cyprien Katsaris a thirteen-program series on Frédéric Chopin which included master classes and his own performance. In March 2006 Cyprien was the first pianist ever to give masterclasses in Franz Liszt’s house in Weimar. In August 2008, he was invited to give two concerts on the occasion of the Beijing Olympic Games at the National Center for the Performing Arts and on 10 July 2014 Cyprien Katsaris performed in the first concert at the Fondation Louis Vuitton in Paris.

Cyprien Katsaris is “Artist of UNESCO for Peace” (1997), “Commandeur de l’Ordre de Mérite du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg” (2009) and “Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters” (France 2000). He also received the “Médaille Vermeil de la Ville de Paris” (2001) and the “Nemitsas Prize” (Cyprus, 2011).



希普林•卡薩利斯為法國籍塞浦路斯鋼琴家,1951年出生於法國馬賽。 畢業於巴黎音樂學院,他曾贏得捷克聯合國國際青少年鋼琴大賽冠軍(伯拉第斯拉瓦,1977年)、法國國際齊夫拉鋼琴大賽第一名(凡爾賽,1974年),並且是1972年比利時伊麗莎白女王鋼琴比賽中唯一一位歐洲獲獎選手。 在他的國際音樂生涯中,他曾與許多世界知名的樂團合作演出,包括柏林愛樂樂團、德勒斯登國家管弦樂團、萊比錫布業大廳管弦樂團、克利夫蘭管弦樂團、皇家音樂廳管弦樂團、倫敦愛樂樂團、NHK交響樂團、莫斯科愛樂樂團及北京交響樂團等等。他亦曾和多個世界著名的指揮家合作,例如倫納德•伯恩斯坦、庫爾特•馬蘇爾、鄭明勛、內維爾•馬里納、杜拉第、米斯迪拉夫•羅斯卓波維契、夏爾•杜托華、尼古勞斯•哈農庫特、克里斯托夫•馮•多赫南伊及卡爾•慕辛格等。 希普林曾為許多國際唱片公司錄製和發行了多張唱片,當中包括Teldec、索尼古典、EMI、Warner Classics、德意DG唱片、BMG-RCA、迪卡唱片、Pavane唱片以及他自己創立的唱片品牌PIANO 21,錄製音樂作品包括貝多芬/李斯特第9號交響曲,他的專輯為他贏得多個獎項,例如1985年華沙蕭邦唱片大賞、1984及1989年布達佩斯費倫茨唱片大賞及1984年德國年度最佳專輯。 除了標準曲目(如莫扎特完整協奏曲),他亦曾與指揮家Yoon K. Lee及薩爾茲堡室內愛樂管弦樂團合作,於薩爾茨堡和維也納進行現場表演錄音,把久違的作品重新呈獻於觀眾眼前,例如他與尤金•奧曼迪和費城管弦樂團一同合奏的李斯特/柴可夫斯基匈牙利主題幻想曲。 1992年,日本NHK電視台曾製作一部長達13集的電視節目,記錄希普林教授蕭邦作品的大師班和表演。2006年3月,希普林成為第一位在李斯特威瑪故居開辦大師班的鋼琴家。2008年8月正值北京奧運會時,希普林獲邀於中國國家大劇院的兩場音樂會演出。此外,2014年7月10日,他亦在巴黎路易威登基金會的首場音樂會上演出。 希普林曾獲頒多個獎項,包括聯合國教科文組織和平藝術家(1997年)、盧森堡文學藝術桂冠藝術大獎(2009年)、法國藝術與文學騎士(法國,2000年)、巴黎市榮譽獎章(2001年)及內米察斯獎(塞浦路斯,2011年)。


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