The Hong Kong International Piano Competition 2016, Joy of Music Festival, Chopin, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music The Hong Kong International Piano Competition 2016, Joy of Music Festival, Chopin, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music The Hong Kong International Piano Competition 2016, Joy of Music Festival, Chopin, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music
The Hong Kong International Piano Competition 2016, Joy of Music Festival, Chopin, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music The Hong Kong International Piano Competition 2016, Joy of Music Festival, Chopin, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music
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Tony Siqi YUN ( piano)

“Tony is a true poet of the keyboard. Expressive, and with his own distinct voice, yet elegant and poised. A true poet” - Pianist Magazine

Tony Siqi Yun, the First Prize winner and Gold Medalist at the 1st China International Music Competition, was born in Toronto, Canada in 2001. Tony is currently enrolled at The Juilliard School Pre-College Division under the guidance of Professor Matti Raekallio.

The young pianist can already look back at an extraordinary concert career. Having debuted with the China Philharmonic Orchestra at the prime event of the Third Polish Culture Festival and achieved outstanding success, Tony was invited to tour with the same orchestra in 2015. Tony appeared with the China Philharmonic Orchestra again in its 2018-2019 music season and took part in the filming of the 2019 CCTV New Year’s Concert. In 2018, Tony successfully collaborated with the Cleveland Orchestra in the prestigious Severance Hall at the final round of the Thomas and Evon Cooper International Piano Competition and won 1st Prize and Audience Prize. In 2019, Tony made his debut with the Philadelphia Orchestra in collaboration with Maestro Yannick Nézet-Séguin at the final round of the 1st China International Music Competition and secured his win.

As a soloist, Tony has given recitals in North America, Europe and Asia. His highlights include recitals at the renowned Salle Cortot Concert Hall in Paris, Opera & and Concert Hall of CCOM, The Juilliard School, New York Steinway Hall and at the Heidelberger Frühling Music Festival.

In addition to piano, Tony studies composition and conducting at The Juilliard School Pre-College Division.


貟思齊 (鋼琴家)

“Tony是一位真正的鍵盤詩人。充滿情感的表達,用屬於他自己的獨特的聲音,優雅而沉著。一位真正的詩人”— 鋼琴家雜誌

貟思齊,第一屆中國國際音樂(鋼琴教學)大賽金獎獲得者,2001年4月出生於加拿大多倫多,現就讀於美國茱莉亞音樂學院預科部,師從Matti Raekallio教授。

2014年11月14日,在北京中山公園音樂堂首次與中國愛樂樂團合作蕭邦第一鋼琴協奏曲並取得了巨大的成功;2014年12月30日參加由中央電視臺和中國愛樂主辦的2015絲綢之路新年音樂會,中央電視臺進行了現場直播。2015年10月,再次與中國愛樂樂團合作,分別在上海師範大學,上海大學,上海立信會計學院,同濟大學,華東師範大學,為總計近萬名師生連續演奏5場協奏曲,所到之處贏得了觀眾們的熱烈響應。在2018-2019音樂季中貟思齊再次與中國愛樂合作,並參與錄製了2019 CCTV 新年音樂會。

2018年7月,在美國庫博國際鋼琴比賽的決賽中,與美國克利夫蘭交響樂團在Severance Hall成功合作了柴科夫斯基的第一鋼琴協奏曲,最終獲得該比賽金獎及觀眾獎;2019年5月在第一屆中國國際音樂比賽中,再次與費城交響樂團在國家大劇院攜手演繹了該曲並最終贏得了金獎。


曾多次參與中央音樂學院考級教程示範DVD的錄製。 2018年8月China daily對貟思齊進行了採訪報導,該報導獲得了文化部Facebook官方主頁的轉載。2018年11月為美國NPR古典音樂廣播錄製節目。



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