Joy of Music Festival 2015, Chopin, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music Joy of Music Festival 2015, Chopin, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music Joy of Music Festival 2015, Chopin, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music
Joy of Music Festival 2015, Chopin, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music Joy of Music Festival 2015, Chopin, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music
Chopin, Joy of Music Festival, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Music Competition
Chopin, Joy of Music Festival, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Music Competition

Ivan Krpan (piano)

Jof of Music Festival 2018 ArtistsAt the age of twenty, Ivan Krpan has won the Ferruccio Busoni International Piano Competition 2017, one of the world’s most prestigious piano competitions.

Mr. Krpan, who is a 5th year student at the Music Academy in Zagreb, was born in Zagreb in 1997 into a musical family and began studying the piano at the age of six at the Blagoje Bersa Music School in Zagreb, under the tutelage of Renata Strojin Richter.

From 2013, he has been studying piano with Ruben Dalibaltayan at the Music Academy in Zagreb. He has won several first prizes in national and international piano competitions; prize wins of note include first prizes at the 12th Piano Competition “Les Rencontres Internationales des Jeunes Pianistes” Grez Doiceau in Belgium in 2014, the International Piano Competition Young Virtuosi in Zagreb in 2014, the International Piano Competition for Young Musicians in Enschede (Netherlands) and the Ettlingen International Competition for Young Pianists. He achieved 2nd prize in the International Danube Piano Competition in Ulm in 2014 and same year he won a special prize awarded by the Dean of the Zagreb Music Academy and the 4th prize at the 1st International Zhuhai Mozart Competition in Zhuhai, China. He also won the annual Ivo Vuljević prize awarded by the Jeunesses Musicales Croatia for the best young musician in Croatia in 2015. More recent accolades include the 3rd prize at the 10th Moscow International Frederick Chopin Competition for Young Pianists in 2016. The Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra has granted him the Young Musician of the Year Award in 2016. Furthermore, Mr. Krpan was awarded a scholarship from the International Academy of Music in Liechtenstein and takes regularly part in the intensive music weeks and activities offered by the Academy. Futures engagements include concerts in Italy, Germany, China, South Korea, Japan and a tour in South America.

Ivan Krpan ( 鋼琴)

2017年二十歲的Ivan Krpan贏得了第六十一屆非盧祖·保蘇尼國際鋼琴大賽冠軍,這是世界上最負盛名的鋼琴比賽之一。

薩格勒布音樂學院的五年級生,1997年出生於克羅地亞薩格勒布的一個音樂世家,六歲開始在薩格勒布的Blagoje Bersa音樂學校學習鋼琴,師承Renata Strojin Richter。

自2013年起,他一直在薩格勒布音樂學院師隨Ruben Dalibaltayan學習鋼琴。在國內和國際鋼琴比賽中獲得多項冠軍,包括: 2014年在比利時舉行的第十二屆鋼琴比賽“Les Rencontres Internationales des Jeunes Pianistes”Grez Doiceau,薩格勒布Young Virtuosi國際鋼琴比賽(2014),荷蘭恩斯赫德青年音樂家國際鋼琴比賽和埃特林根國際青年鋼琴家比賽。他於2014年在德國烏姆Danube國際鋼琴比賽獲得亞軍,同年他獲得了薩格勒布音樂學院院長頒發的特別獎和中國舉辦的第一屆珠海國際莫扎特比賽中獲得第四名。他還獲得了2015年克羅地亞最佳年輕音樂家而獲得克羅地亞Jeunesses Musicales頒發的年度IvoVuljević獎。最近的榮譽包括: 2016年第十屆莫斯科國際蕭邦大賽青年鋼琴家比賽第三名。薩格勒布愛樂管弦樂團在2016年更頒發了年度青年音樂家獎給他。此外,還獲得了列支敦斯登國際音樂學院的獎學金,並定期參加由學院舉辦的音樂周及活動。Ivan未來的動向包括前往意大利,德國,中國,韓國,日本演奏以及在南美洲作巡迴演出。


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