Joy of Music Festival 2015, Chopin, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music Joy of Music Festival 2015, Chopin, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music Joy of Music Festival 2015, Chopin, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music
Joy of Music Festival 2015, Chopin, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music Joy of Music Festival 2015, Chopin, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music
Chopin, Joy of Music Festival, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Music Competition
Chopin, Joy of Music Festival, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Music Competition

Carlo Domeniconi (Guitar)

Jof of Music Festival 2018 ArtistsThe Italian guitarist and composer Carlo Domeniconi, born in 1947, is considered one of the most renowned and important contemporary composers for his instrument.

His work, which now spans 50 years, is primarily dedicated to guitar music, be it for solo or ensemble performance, and encompasses a wide variety of styles, including old forms as well as global elements.

Domeniconi’s first compositions were an attempt to expand the meagre repertoire of the guitar and to give the instrument a few aspects that did not come into play during its development (e.g. late Romanticism – Impressionism).

He achieved international fame with the composition Koyunbaba. However, the most important aspect of this piece is that it represents for the first time in his compositions a kind of structural framework (template) which can provide the free space for players who feel at home in it. This spirit also resulted in such works as Trilogy, Gita, Homage to Jimi Hendrix, Toccatas I-VII, to mention just a few.

An important feature of his music is the constant search for new viewpoints and a continual exploration of the guitar. The music is tailor-made for the instrument, idiomatic.

“The time of the self-deprecating ‘classical’ guitar is over. It is time to see the guitar as it really is: a strong, sonorous instrument with a richness of colour that knows no equal.”
Carlo Domeniconi

Domeniconi’s discography includes 5 LPs and 7 CDs with recordings from the earlier years, some of which are now out of print. More recently, seven new CDs in the series Selected Works feature new compositions and those «which finally needed to be recorded».


Carlo Domeniconi (作曲家及結他手)

出生於1947年的意大利結他手和作曲家Carlo Domeniconi,被認為是結他界中最著名和最重要的當代作曲家之一。


Domeniconi的首批作品是試圖令極枯燥的結他曲目增添一些在發展過程中沒有發揮其作用的色彩 (例如後期的浪漫主義 – 印象派)。

他的作品Koyunbaba更獲得了國際聲譽。然而,這首作品最重要的是,在他的作品中首次出現了一種結構框架(模板),為那些結他家提供自由空間,有賓至如歸感覺。這種興致也出現在他的其他作品如Trilogy, Gita, Homage to Jimi Hendrix, Toccatas I-VII。


Carlo Domeniconi

Domeniconi的唱片包括5張LP和7張CD,其中包括早年的製作,其中一些現已絕版。 近期「選集」系列中的七張新CD以他的新作和最後還是要灌錄的作品為特點。


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