Joy of Music Festival 2015, Chopin, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music Joy of Music Festival 2015, Chopin, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music Joy of Music Festival 2015, Chopin, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music
Joy of Music Festival 2015, Chopin, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music Joy of Music Festival 2015, Chopin, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music
Chopin, Joy of Music Festival, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Music Competition
Chopin, Joy of Music Festival, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Music Competition


Jof of Music Festival 2018 ArtistsAlvaro Pierri was born in Montevideo in Uruguay, in a family of musicians. He received his early musical education from his mother, the pianist Ada Estades, and his aunt, the Uruguayan guitarist Olga Pierri. Later he studied with the legendary Maestro Abel Carlevaro, the composer Guido Santorsola and also at the Uruguayan National Institute of Musicology.

Alvaro Pierri is internationally acclaimed as a leading personality in the world of the guitar.

In 1983 he made his debut in Germany with the string soloists of the Berlin Philharmonic; subsequently Alvaro Pierri appeared worldwide on numerous radio and television programmes (as a soloist but also together with artists like Frank Peter Zimmermann, Astor Piazzolla, Charles Dutoit and big Orchestras) produced by stations like Deutsche Rundfunk, PBS New York, CBC Canada, Radio France, NHK Japan, KBS Korea, Austrian, Spanish, French, Danish and Chinese Radios.

Alvaro Pierri is regularly performing with outstanding musicians, ensembles and orchestras. He has shared the stage with such artists like Charles Dutoit and the Montreal Symphony Orchestra, Astor Piazzolla and the WDR Radio Orchestra Köln with Pinchas Steinberg, Yannick Nezet-Séguin, Polish Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra with Wojciech Rajski, CBC Radio Orchestra with Mario Bernardi, London Chamber Orchestra, Frank Peter Zimmermann, Ernö Sebestien, Regis Pasquier, Hatto Beyerle, Philippe Müller, Leo Brouwer, Amjad Ali Khan, Alcides Lanza, Tracy Silverman, Maureen Forrester, Eduardo Fernandez, Isaye Quartett, Cherubini Quartet, Turtle Island String Quartet, Ensemble Wien with Rainer Honeck, Vasko Vassilev, and Pascal Rogé.

Contemporary composers such as Leo Brouwer, Guido Santorsola, Jacques Hétu, Astor Piazzolla, Abel Carlevaro, Carlo Domeniconi, Dusan Bogdanovic a. o. have written major works for Alvaro Pierri.

Alvaro Pierri’s CDs have been released by Metropole-Polydor (France), Blue Angel-2001 (Germany), Milan Records (Canada), Analekta (Canada), Amplitude (Canada), Madacy (Canada), HOMA (Japan), Pioneer Classics (Japan) and Alpha Omega Sound (Hong Kong). Several of his CDs have been honoured with prices and nominations, he received already twice the coveted Canadian FELIX award for the best classical CD of the year. Recently ”Pioneer Classics Japan“ brought out a DVD featuring Spanish and South American guitar music, and ”Deutsche Grammophon“ re-issued a DVD of Alvaro Pierri performing in duo with Astor Piazzolla.

Alvaro Pierri is also an internationally acclaimed teacher. Many of his students have won major international guitar competitions, and have themselves outstanding performing and recording careers. He was professor in Brazil at the University of Santa Maria, later then in Canada at McGill University (Faculty of Music) and at the UQAM (Department of Music) in Montreal. In 2002 he was appointed professor at the famous Academy of music in Vienna (today University of Music and Performing Arts), Austria.

Pierri gives master classes at numerous major music festivals in the US, Canada, Europe and Asia.

In recognition of his outstanding artistic talent and career and his permanent enriching contribution to music and culture, Alvaro Pierri was appointed as honorary citizen of his hometown Montevideo, in 2008.


阿爾瓦羅 • 皮耶里 (結他大師)


結他界公認的世界大師級演奏家。1983 年,做為弦樂獨奏家與柏林愛樂管弦樂團合作於德國首演,其後,他成為德國﹑澳洲﹑西班牙﹑法國﹑丹麥﹑加拿大﹑韓國和日本等地電台和電視節目的常客。

作為廣受公眾和評論家鍾愛的音樂家,皮耶里的演出足跡遍及歐洲﹑北美﹑南美和亞洲各大音樂廳。當代作曲家如萊奧‧布勞威爾﹑基多‧山杜梭拉 ﹑埃迪 ﹑ 阿斯托爾‧皮亞佐拉 ﹑亞貝爾‧卡雷巴洛﹑多明尼康尼和特里‧賴利都曾專程為他創作樂曲,這些樂曲在皮耶里手下大放光彩。

鐘愛室內樂。與他合作過的著名音樂家和樂團包括有:阿斯托爾‧皮亞佐拉 ﹑哈托‧巴耶勒 ﹑ 法蘭克‧彼得‧齊瑪曼﹑塞巴斯蒂安﹑ 雷吉斯‧巴斯基耶 ﹑菲利曾‧穆勒 ﹑萊奧‧布勞威爾 ﹑藍撒 ﹑特里‧賴利 ﹑崔西‧席佛曼﹑莫蓮‧弗雷斯特 ﹑費南德滋﹑凱魯比尼弦樂四重奏 ﹑龜島弦樂四重奏,他亦曾和著名指揮家如:祖克曼 ﹑斯坦伯格 ﹑迪圖瓦 ﹑拉耶斯基 ﹑貝納迪和雅尼克合作表演。

皮耶里的唱片曾獲世界各大品牌如法國寶麗多﹑德國藍天使 -2001 ﹑加拿大米蘭唱片﹑加拿大 Analekta ﹑加拿大 Amplitude ﹑加拿大Madacy ﹑日本 HOMA 和香港The Alpha Omega Sound 發行。他的唱片曲目包括有結他獨奏﹑室樂﹑結他音樂會和電聲音樂。他已有數張唱片獲提名及獎項,如他兩次榮獲加拿大 Felix 年度最佳古典音樂 CD 獎。他的最新 DV D 「日本先鋒古典」涵蓋了西班牙和南美的結他音樂,而德國留聲機重新發行了一張他和阿斯托爾‧皮亞佐拉以二重奏方式表演的協奏曲 DVD。

皮耶里同時亦是蜚聲國際的結他教授。許多他所教授的學生皆獲得重大國際比賽獎項。他曾於巴西聖瑪麗亞大學任職教授,其後於麥吉爾大學和魁北克大學蒙特利爾分校(音樂學院)開設結他班。2002 年,他被著名的維也納音樂學院(現已改名為維也納音樂和表演藝術大學)聘為教授。

皮耶里亦在全球 (美國, 加拿大, 歐洲和亞洲等地) 的音樂節和香港美樂聚音樂節教授大師班。

2008 年,為表彰皮耶里傑出藝術天賦 ﹑輝煌音樂生涯和對文化所作出的巨大貢獻,其家鄉蒙特維多向他頒發「榮譽市民」稱號。


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